Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Diferenta dintre uleiurile esentiale si uleiurile parfumate

Uleiurile esentiale sunt extracte naturale din fructe, flori, seminte, si alte plante. Fiecare are propriul parfum unic ?i proprieta?i. Fiecare are, de asemenea, un efect u?or diferit pe piele. Cele mai multe uleiuri esentiale sunt foarte bune pentru piele, dar sunt si cele care ar trebui sa fie utilizate cu modera?ie, pentru a evita iritarea. De exemplu, uleiul din arbore de ceai este foarte bun pentru acnee ?i are proprieta?i antibacteriene, dar prea mult poate irita pielea. Uleiurile parfumate sunt facute pentru a simula aromele ingredientelor naturale. Unele uleiuri parfumate sunt facute pentru a mirosi mult mai puternic decât omologii lor naturali, astfel încât pot persista mai mult pe piele. Alergiile si sensibilitatea pielii sunt întotdeauna cel mai important factor, care ar trebui luat în considerare atunci când se decide ce tip de ulei sa se utilizeze.  Daca ai pielea sensibila sau preferi un sapun natural 100%, atunci opteaza pt uleiuri esentiale.

Essential oils are natural extracts from fruits, flowers, seeds, and other plants. Each has its own unique scent and properties. Each also has a slightly different effect on your skin. Most essential oils are very good for your skin, but there are those which should be used in moderation to avoid irritation. For example, tea tree oil is great for acne and antibacterial properties, but too much can actually irritate the skin. Fragrance oils are manufactured oils which are made to simulate the scents of natural ingredients. Some fragrance oils are made to smell much stronger than their natural counterparts, so they will go further and may last longer on the skin. Allergies and skin sensitivity are always the biggest factor you should consider when trying to decide what type of oil to use. If you love the smell of almonds but are allergic to the actual nut, then try a synthetic fragrance oil instead. If you have sensitive skin or prefer to make 100% natural soap, then stick with the essential oils.

Hudson, Chrissy (2014-01-26). Soap Made Easy: An Easy Introduction to Making All-Natural Soap From Scratch (Kindle Locations 782-791). . Kindle Edition.

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